We will be present at several events in 2023. If you'd like to find out more about us and VisioCyt, our first innovative…

Multidisciplinary Masterclass organized by the American Hospital in Paris, MEDIPATH and Ibex Medical Analytics dedicated to prostate and bladder…

VitaDX is proud to announce its partnership with Medipath, a group of independant pathologists specialized in locally based diagnostics and…

During the conference Bits & Pretzels HealthTech, Allan Rodriguez - CEO of VitaDX had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion…

VitaDX was delighted to attend the TechShare Campus in Lisbon as part of Euronext pre-IPO program and to be one of the 132 Tech companies from 10…

VitaDX was very delighted to participate in the "Biotech in Oncology" exchange on the theme of accelerating oncology projects.

VitaDX participated to the JOUM (Medical Onco-Urology Days) which took place from June 17 to 18, 2022 in Toulouse.

As part of its Tour de France of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy around the theme: health data, Allan Rodriguez - CEO of VitaDX…

VitaDX is proud to announce that the abstract of its first clinical trial VISIOCYT 1 has been selected at ASCO 2022.